by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Jan 1, 2018 | Blog, Buyer, First, Home, Make, Mistakes, Time
Most people dream of buying a home and know exactly what they are looking for and what they would like to spend on the mortgage; however, they do not consider several important details.Along with the hot home-buying market comes heavy competition for the homes, and... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Oct 23, 2017 | Blog, Get, Into, Negotiation
Whether you are buying or selling real estate, you need to do the right talking to the right people in order to get the best deal. Being or using a negotiator is the best way to make sure that you know exactly what is going on and are able to fall into the right... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Aug 5, 2017 | Blog, Financing, Home, Offer, Seller, Should
The housing market can be pretty competitive as well as expensive for both a seller and a buyer. Though most real estate transactions are handled by real estate agents and the money for the sale is loaned to the buyer by a financial institution, there are plenty of... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Apr 18, 2017 | Blog, Closing, During, Happen, House, What
A real estate closing is when the home officially transfers from the seller to the new buyer. It’s also the event where all the money is settled up – including what the real estate agent earns on commission from the sale if you hired one to sell your... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Apr 12, 2017 | Blog, Improvement, Options, Refinancing
You have the house, you have the loan, and you have everything set in place. You know that it feels great to have a place to call home. However, there is something that is not fitting quite right. Maybe your home feels like it needs more investment... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Jan 31, 2017 | Blog, Earnest, Escrow, Money, Understanding
A real estate agent understands the importance of an escrow and earnest money. If you’re selling your home by owner, you need to know what these are and how they apply to you. Earnest money is just like it sounds. It means that the potential buyer is earnest in... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Jan 3, 2017 | Advantages, Blog, Owning, Real Estate, Tax
Usually, it would be expected that the government would take money for the real estate that you own. Since you are gaining a profit off of it for a livelihood it should work like any other job that you have. However, you can take advantage of several tax... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Dec 31, 2016 | Blog, Hire, Home, Myself, Realtor, Sell
Real estate is big business. Real estate agents make a living, and quite often a good one, by helping people buy and sell homes. But some people choose to cut out the middleman and sell their own homes. There are arguments for and against both... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Nov 1, 2016 | Balloons, Bills, Blog, Blowing
If you aren’t familiar with options for financing, it is never too late to get started. Understanding the different terms and having the ability to relate them to each other will help you to avoid situations that are not financially possible. One of... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Oct 15, 2016 | Agent, Blog, Choose, How, Real Estate
Choosing a real estate agent to help you navigate the treacherous waters of purchasing a home is one of the best moves you can make. You’ll want the best – but how do you know which you want with all of the real estate agents out there clamoring for your business.The... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Jun 15, 2016 | Blog, Buying, Fixer, Great, Home, Option, Upper
Buying a home is an exciting time. It’s a time that promises change, opportunity and the ability to make something as important as a home, your very own. When you’re looking for a new home, consider buying a fixer upper. Here’s why:A fixer upper can save you a ton of... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Feb 17, 2016 | Acting, Appraisals, Blog
Investments, terms for loans, processes, and other parts of real estate can often be overwhelming to someone who hasn’t received a degree in real estate. If you are looking for definitions and actions behind those definitions, then don’t forget about... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Jun 26, 2015 | Blog, Clause, Contingency, How, Interests, Protect, Use
If you’re working with a professional real estate agent, she’s going to know what contingencies to put in the contract to make sure you get protected as the seller. There are fairly common contingencies that you can make sure are included in a contract if you’re... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Jun 24, 2015 | Blog, Interest, Loan, Only
You have finally found the property of your dreams. The contract has been signed and you are now in the process of finding exactly how you will be living and paying off the property for the next few years. Your lender may have already contacted you and... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Jun 4, 2015 | Blog, Distressed, Investment, Positive, Property
There are many investments that are made in real estate, most which are expected to allow the price of the property to go up. However, sometimes the value of a property starts to decline. If you have run into a property that is like this, you will want to decide... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | May 16, 2015 | Blog, Keep, Management, Potential, Property, Up
Each property that is owned by someone has a different set of job descriptions that are added to it. If you are familiar with real estate, you are also probably familiar with the roles that are linked to the properties that you are on. One of the important... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Apr 16, 2015 | Become, Blog, Landlord
Benefits from real estate also sometimes take extra steps and responsibilities. If you are thinking of becoming involved in real estate, then you may also be looking at the job title of landlord. While this is a good way to make an investment and a living,... by San Vicente Palawan Beach for Sale | Apr 12, 2015 | Blog, Comparable, Factors, Sales, Weighing
Terms for investments are everywhere in real estate. You may hear lenders, agents and brokers talking about real estate jargon. If you are finding a way to be a part of the real estate world for any type of investment, you will want to become familiar with...